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Camera Ready! by Priti Modyiyer
Camera Ready! by Priti Modyiyer
Digital Product
SGD$ 15.00   

Camera Ready! shows participants how to bring Virtual storytelling alive. It has practical, ready to apply, tips and tricks for everybody who wants to get better at using technology for storytelling. If you have never been in front of a camera or if even if you have told stories multiple times on virtual platforms like Zoom, this webinar will take you to your next level.

In the webinar we will play with equipment, background, using props, lighting, movement and using your space effectively.

This webinar focuses on the one thing storytellers miss the most while telling online : being able to exchange energy with our audiences.

It will shine a light on how to make your story telling come alive so that both you and your listeners get the benefit of having you right there (almost) in front of them. This is done by showing you how to harness your own strengths and experiences as a storyteller and use them to your advantage.

This is a unique opportunity to explore the nuances of Virtual/Online Storytelling, why it is so important and to quickly acquire the skills to be able to do what has become necessary, with confidence.

About Priti Modyiyer

Priti Modyiyer is an engaging storyteller and leadership trainer who uses stories as a powerful medium to inspire change.

“Stories and experiences are the only thing that stay,” is something she always tells her colleagues and training participants. This led her to embrace performance storytelling, inspired by the wonderful Storytelling community in Singapore. She has recently been a teller online for communities like FEAST, Storyline, SilverGood, and Worldwide Virtual Storytelling Guild.

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