an extract from Rama's First Victory (an extract from the Bala Kanda.)
Mangalam writes: Shadow Puppetry is the most ancient form of storytelling from cave man to now which continues to fascinate mankind across various parts of the world. Mankind saw shadows in fear first, then in awe and now in excitement. And the first story done using shadow puppets was Ramayana.
I come from the southern state of India, Kerala where power-cuts were very common 30years before. Every evening, half an hr, there would be a power-cut. My mom used to light the kerosene lantern and my brother and I used to sit nearby and do our school work. I remember very clearly how as a young girl, of 7-8years, I became fascinated with shadows - of our hands, things around, the insects flying towards the light, the lantern handle, etc. We used to make shadows of various things and creatures on the wall.
And then the fascination grew into admiration on seeing the shadow puppetry of Ramayana staged in the temple during RamaNavami (the birthday of Lord Rama). The play of lights and colors and shadows and the teamwork involved pulled me towards this art. And in the Vedanta period in school in which the book "Kindle Life" was dealt with, we were taught that everything was a maya or an illusion. A minute it is there and the next minute it is not there. It was the same thing on the screen too, a moment has so many things happening on the screen and the next moment they are gone. I drew a parallel to life from shadow puppetry.
Fast-forward, for the Feast Fest - Oct2021, I decided that it should be shadow puppets that I will do. So along with my husband and daughter, I did the first half of the Bala kanda. Also, legend has it that it was the Ramayana that was first staged using shadow puppets. Did I want more reasons to try my hand at shadow puppetry???